Hello! I’m Abhijit (అభిజిత్, abʱidʒit̪), a fourth year PhD student at the University of Chicago studying mathematics and computer science. I’m advised by Professor Frank Calegari and Professor Janos Simon. These days I mostly think about number theory, but in the past I studied quantum computers, worked on mixed reality headsets, and did some not-math competitions. I’m supported by an NSF graduate research fellowship.

In my free time (and sometimes my busy time) I do various things related to music and puzzles. I love singing and arranging a cappella music, and was on the MIT Ohms as an undergrad. I’m also a member of the puzzlehunting team teammate.

This site uses Hugo as a static site generator, the Risotto theme, and is hosted via Github Pages.

I can be contacted by reversing moc.liamg@adnogidum.tijibha.